DP in IT / YIIP1400 Advanced Technology (5 cu), 2012-2013

This is mostly a virtual course. There are a couple of presentations which take place in Dynamo building.

If the presentation is sent through Adobe ConnectPro and you want to watch/listen these presentations from your office/home, read the instructions.

In addition, you can propose a suitable topic, with which you are willing to get familiar (e.g. a webinar about ubiquitous computing or a special course such as CISSP). If a student is willing to give a presentation on his/her own area of expertise, this is credited.


You need to listen to presentations about state-of-the-art technology and its applications. Then, you report your main findings in a learning report, which will be delivered to our learning environment (Optima) into a folder, for which other course participants and tutors have read and comment permission.

We give/arrange topical presentations (one to four hours each) totaling 16 hours. In addition; you need to pick virtual lectures (webinars) so that the total amount of listening presentations is 32 hours. Any topic can be replaced by your own topic, if agreed beforehand (=> this means that you don’t have to be present in our presentations; you can, for example, participate courses offered by your company).

You present your findings in a closing seminar on Friday 24.5.2013 (starting at 15.00). In addition, you should read and comment other students learning reports (in our Optima learning environment).

Assessment and grading:

Grading Scale: 0-5. For passing (grade 1) you need to deliver the learning report from 16 hours of presentations. For better grades, more presentations need to be reported + your findings should be presented in the final seminar + other students’ reports commented. By default, you should write notes one page for one hour’s presentation (or webinar). We also evaluate the quality (clarity, correctness, readability, understandability) or your report, presentation, and comments.